Finance is a big topic and an important part of every person’s life if you don’t have a good finance your quality of living won’t be the best. They say money can’t buy happiness, but good finance can bring a sense of security and ensure that you can keep going so that you can be happy. The problem with finance is that it isn’t easy to balance and it can take a long time to learn how to use it efficiently and to your advantage. Even Alan Boal of AHB Finance had to start somewhere and over time has become one of the leading accountants in the UK. You may be thinking “I would love to learn finance but I don’t have the time or the money to do a dedicated course” and if you are then no need to worry! As much as we recommend taking a dedicated course in finance, there are options online to help with the basics of finance which are completely free. While they may take some research and a bit of extra digging online finance blogs can be extremely helpful to people wanting to save a bit of cash or make a little bit extra on top of their jobs. So, without any further ado, here is our list of the top eight best blogs to help with finance:
- Budgets Are Sexy
The vulgar title aside, this is actually an extremely useful and easy-to-read blog run by somebody called J.Money. This blog is about his personal experiences with finance and includes just the right amount of humour to keep you entertained but not to derail you from the main point. J.Money includes many witty and insightful stories about his own endeavours and how he has come back from mistakes and manages his budgets. He also includes useful resources like budget spreadsheets, templates and questions for the reader to think about and reflect on.
- The Financial Diet
This particular blog was founded in 2014 by a woman named Chelsea Fagan and was initially used to track her own money journal. Now, however, the website includes hundreds of different opinions and stories from other women about their own personal finance challenges and journeys. All of the stories published are relatable to someone and a lot of them are on the struggles of personal finance from a female’s perspective. There are a multitude of topics to choose from including stories on balancing finances and life, budgeting, increasing your income and much, much more.
- FinancialSamurai
This site was started by an American named Sam who was able to retire early three years after starting is blog. Anyone who can retire early is somebody to listen to as that doesn’t happen without commitment and hard work. The reason he was able to retire early was by saving and having good investment habits which he reflects on and talks about in his blog. He includes categories so that you can specifically find what you are looking for out of free wealth management, top financial products, how to manage being let go from somewhere and real estate crowdfunding.
- Punch Debt in the Face
If you, like most people, are in debt or have been then you know the hardships and how daunting a place it can be. This blog, with it’s rather outstanding name, will help to give you advice on how to deal with debt and eventually get through it and of course punch it in the face. The protagonist of this blog only goes by the name “Ninja” and writes about his/her personal experiences with debt and how they managed it. Ninja is very upfrong about his income and expenses and this helps to paint a clear picture of how it is possible to cut expenses in some areas to save and pay off debt. These skills also transfer once the debt has been kicked and can be used to save for a rainy day.
- Don’t Mess With Taxes
Taxes are an important part of earning a living as they are mandatory and help to keep the country functioning. The problem is they can be complicated to understand and that is why Don’t Mess With Taxes was started. Not only will it help you to spot potential tax scams but it also includes tips on tax as a whole, credits, laws, taxation terms and much more. Don’t Mess With Taxes is especially useful for students who have recently gone into full-time employment and need somewhere to start.
- Money Smart Life
This blog was started by somebody called Ben who has a lifelong passion for personal finance and doesn’t mind sharing it with anybody else. He covers a wide range of topics including taxes, career, investment, debt, real estate and more. His posts are usually quite in-depth to give you the best understanding possible and to help you with saving and getting out of bad financial habits.
- The College Investor
The College Investor was written to help college and higher education students get an early start in controlling their finances. This blog includes plenty of resources for managing student loans and also offers tips on many passive incomes. There are also articles covering a wide range of scenarios and they are all written in a way that a younger audience may understand.
- Moolanomy
This personal finance website focuses on four pillars of finance which are: income management, expense management, asset management and debt management. This site allows you to learn how to build extra or passive income and to also reduce debt without any in-between so it is all finance. Moolanomy has pretty much got you covered on any financial topic that could be of use to anyone and is a very valuable resource pool.